Between September and October 2019, the association of social promotion Petit Pas, hosted 20 young people for a mini takeover day. These boys and girls met for 5 days (for a total of 20 hours), experiencing what implies working in an association committed to promoting Erasmus values. Thanks to this experience, the youngsters have known another aspect of the Erasmus world, closer to the world of work. In particular, their experience was concentrated in the realization of an event, the Erasmus day, and for the occasion, they drew up the day’s program, carried out interviews, created videos, supervised the communication of the event, gained more experience with computer programs and even devised a choreography for the event. During this process they have been able to strengthen their soft skills above all the ability to work in a team, public speaking, time management, problem-solving, communication skills, assuming the role of active citizens themselves, promoting locally the Erasmus values in their community. For Petit Pas, this mini takeover has been another great achievement thanks to the TO:DAY project.