Before the event, all participants received the agenda and results of the “Takeover Days for Young People in Europe” by mail. In this mail we shared new links to the website, videos on YouTube channel and the project’s toolkit and materials.
The event started at 16:30 local time and finished at 20:30 with aperitifs and drinks. First of all, the Counselor of Education of Guadassuar town hall, Rosa Almela Ribes, welcomed the participants and briefly referred to the main points of the event. Then, we continued with the event which was moderated by Ms. Sonsoles Jimenez who offered a variety of experiences to keep the audience engaged.
To start with, to explain the concept of Takeover Days M. Sonsoles Jimenez shared with participants a video to explain what a Take over day is. More than 100 young participants between 16 and 24 years old, around 15 youth workers, 10 entrepreneurs and 2 public authorities has involved in the project. M. Sonsoles Jimenez presented the toolkit that explain how to organize a Takeover Day. The toolkit has been developed by young participants and youth workers and it is available in English, Italian, Romanian, Hungarian and Spanish language.