
Autore: YouthTodaysSTAFF

Petit Pas presents TO:DAY Project , 26 April 2019

This afternoon Petit Pas organized an event to present the project to an audience of young students. Many of them will participate in the Virtual Mobility and will know many young active citizens!

Takeover Day by XANO

Presentation of the website, objectives, activities and results of TakeOverDays Project during the transnational meeting of EUCAN Project in Greece. To this meeting attended 55 people from 4 different countries, among them public authorities in charge of education, entrepreneurs, teachers… Continue Reading…

Wandsworth Young Chef 2019

Young people competing for the title of Wandsworth Young Chef 2019 The Young Chef competition nurtures young talent, teaches young people how to cook good healthy food to a budget, provides a chance to learn from the experts and helps… Continue Reading…

Takeover Day at Wandsworth Council – 20 November 2018

Elliot, Jayella and Alex ‘take over’ the roles of Santino Fragola (Head of Lifelong Learning) and Tuula Ball (Work Related Learning Coordinator). After a short briefing, they’re off to Southfields Academy. Important business as they join the judging panel for… Continue Reading…

Meeting with the stakeholders at Co-labory – 12 October 2018

The students of the Liceo Classico di Trani interviewed the co-founders of Shiski concept store, and soon Marco, Andrea and Rossella will work with them thanks to the Take over day!